IC2 Board of Directors
The IC2 Board of Directors oversees and directs IC2 programs and activities, sets priorities, decides on the annual workplan, conducts strategic planning, establishes the budget and spending priorities, oversees hiring and firing and supervision of senior staff, and manages other critical matters affecting the IC2.
Executive Committee
Justin Waltz
Oregon Health Authority, Chair
Justin Waltz is currently serving as the chair of the IC2 executive committee. He is an analyst in the Environmental Public Health Section of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). Since 2016, he’s implemented all aspects of the Toxic Free Kids Act for OHA. He has 20 years of experience in environmental public health and public health. Prior to OHA, he was a fellow for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, conducted cardiology research at Oregon Health & Science University, and worked on community-health projects in India & Ghana. He received his Master’s in Public Heath from UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
Kerry Morlock
Vermont Department of Health, Vice Chair
Kerry Morlock is the Chemical Disclosure Program Manager in the Environmental Health Division at the Vermont Department of Health (VDH). Since 2017, Kerry has worked to implement Vermont’s Chemicals of High Concern to Children law. Additionally, she has worked more broadly with VDH colleagues to examine and address a range of pressing environmental health issues. Prior to VDH, she worked in the private sector for an environmental compliance and consulting firm, specializing mostly in air quality and toxics reporting. Kerry received her Master’s in Public Health from the University of Vermont.
Pam Hadad-Hurst
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Treasurer
Pam Hadad-Hurst is a Special Assistant to the Commissioner at the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation working on climate, chemical policy, agency sustainability, and green procurement. Pam represents the Commissioner on several environmental health and pollution prevention advisory boards, including the NYS School Environmental Health Program, the NYS Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Advisory Committee, the Pollution Prevention Institute, and the NYS Centers for Excellence in Children’s Environmental Health. Pam serves as the treasurer of the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2), which convenes state, local, and tribal governments with businesses, researchers, and nongovernmental organizations to promote the development and use of safer chemicals and products.
Topher Buck
California Department of Toxic Substances Control, Secretary
Members at Large
Open – California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Tom Metzner – Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Myles Perkins – Hazardous Waste Management Program, Seattle & King County
Melanie Loyzim – Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Peder Sandhei – Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Nancy Rice – Minnesota Department of Health
Latonya Jackson – Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Pauli Ojea – City of San Francisco Department of the Environment
Kerry Morlock – Vermont Department of Health
Justin Rewerts – Washington State Department of Ecology
The Board and Council typically meet on the third Wednesday of January, May, July, and October.
Full Listing of IC2 Participating Organizations including Supporting Members
California Department of Toxic Substances Control*
City of San Francisco Department of the Environment*
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection*
Maine Department of Environmental Protection*
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance
Massachusetts Operational Services Division*
Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency*
Clean Water Action Minnesota
New York
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation*
New York State Department of Health
New York Pollution Prevention Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
North Carolina
North Carolina Conservation Network
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Oregon Environmental Council
Oregon Health Authority*
Vermont Department of Health*
Washington Department of Ecology*
Washington Department of Health
Hazardous Waste Management Program, Seattle & King County*
National or Regional
Center for Environmental Health
Clean Production Action
Clean Water Fund
Defend Our Health
National Tribal Toxics Council
Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center
*Designated Voting Members
IC2 Staff
Mikalah Bailey
IC2 Project Manager
(857) 260-0350
Stephanie Frisch
HPCDS Administrator
(617) 835-1764
Melissa Lavoie
Executive Director NEWMOA
(617) 851-9447