High Priority Chemicals Data System (HPCDS)

Report on chemicals in products

Search for chemicals reported in products

HPCDS User Guides

The IC2 High Priority Chemicals Data System (HPCDS) is an online platform that supports reporting of information on the presence of chemicals of concern in children’s products required by the Oregon Toxic-Free Kids Act (TFKA), the Washington Children’s Safe Products Act (CSPA), and the Vermont Chemical Disclosure Program (VT CDP), and priority chemicals in general consumer and commercial products required by Safer Products for Washington (SPWA).

Note: the HPCDS is optimized for Chrome and may not work with other browsers. It does not work with Internet Explorer.

Compared with independent, state-specific reporting systems, the HPCDS reduces manufacturers’ reporting burden and should result in fewer reporting errors and inconsistencies. It also provides easy public access to a single source of the information reported by companies to the states. In addition, the HPCDS establishes a framework for implementation of similar reporting programs at greatly reduced cost and thereby eliminates the need for other IC2 members to build and maintain independent reporting systems.

The HPCDS is a project of the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2), a program of the Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA). Project funding was originally provided by an EPA Exchange Network grant to the Oregon Health Authority, in partnership with the Washington State Department of Ecology and NEWMOA.

For assistance using the HPCDS, please see the Reporting Guide and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). After consulting the Reporting Guide and FAQ, address technical support and related questions (including requests for accessibility assistance) to:

Stephanie Frisch
Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association

For information about state reporting requirements, visit:

To search reported data, visit the Search Product Category Data page.

HPCDS data has been cited by multiple publications including:

Your use of the HPCDS constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Service.